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Unload and Show Clear!

Writer: Andy PfenningerAndy Pfenninger

Updated: Sep 29, 2024

The CMA shooting sport is based on a solid firearms education concept and it is a goal to promote safe, simple and effective shooting techniques.

One element of basic firearms education is how to unload and check a firearm. Those are two manipulations: 'unload' and 'show clear'.

Let's see how unload and show clear are properly done with a pistol in CMA.

Unload and Show Clear!

Upon the command 'If finished, unload and show clear!' the shooter will:

1 - Unload the Pistol

Remove the Magazine

Remove the magazine from the pistol and stow it away. If the magazine contains rounds, those can remain in the magazine.

Unload and show clear: remove the magazine
Removing the Magazine

Grip the Slide

Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction and grip the slide with the weak hand covering the ejection port as shown below. If needed, rotate your body towards the strong side to assure a safe muzzle direction.

Unload and show clear: grip the slide
Gripping the Slide

The weak hand should form a little pouch beneath the ejection port to catch the round from the chamber when the slide is pulled back.

Pull & Lock the Slide Back

Move the slide back while pushing the slide lock lever upwards and lock the slide to the rear. The round from the chamber should fall into the weak hand.

Unload and show clear: slide locked and round caught
Slide Locked and Round Caught

Stow away the round. Be careful not to move your weak hand in front of the muzzle.

2 - Check the Pistol

Both the shooter and the safety officer will now inspect the chamber and the magazine well.

Check the Chamber

Make sure you can see into the chamber, point at it with your weak hand index finger and, if the chamber is empty, say: 'Check!'.

Unload and show clear: check the chamber
'Check!' Chamber

Check the Magazine Well

After checking the chamber, turn the pistol and check the magazine well. To do this, point at it or insert your weak hand thumb into the mag well and, if it's empty, say: 'Check!'.

Unload and show clear: check the magwell
'Check!' Magwell

The shooter performs the check and he remains fully responsible for his firearm. However, it is the duty of the safety officer to supervise and assure the process is done fully and correctly. If the safety officer is not satisfied, he will repeat his command 'Unload and show clear!'.

After the check is fully and correctly executed the safety officer will continue with the commands 'If clear, slide forward', then 'Pull the trigger' and then 'Holster'.

Remember, even if the shooter just unloaded the gun under command of a safety officer, all safety rules need to be fully applied without interruption. The pistol will still have to be treated as loaded, always, no matter what.

Pulling the Trigger

Originally, we did not require the shooter to pull the trigger. The reason was, that we thought it unnecessary and actually a bad habit to acquire.

With the rules optimization in mid 2024, this was changed to be in line with many rules and regulations about unloading used in sports or by institutions.

On the command 'Pull the trigger' the shooter will pull the trigger, pointing the muzzle at the backstop.

Complete and Correct

Always do safety relevant checks completely and correctly. Don't take shortcuts and don't assume anything. So, even if the shooter just unloaded the pistol, he will still be required to perform the full and correct checking of that firearm. Always take the time to make your checks and apply the safety rules at all times.

Thank you for reading and stay safe!



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