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CMA Membership

Welcome to CMA

Competitive Marksman Action

CMA Sports Shooting

CMA is a dynamic shooting sport based on safe, simple and effective shooting skills. It emphasizes personal abilities and mental and physical fitness.

A small group of enthusiasts has launched CMA on the Founders Day on June 10, 2023 near Bern, Switzerland. The rules have been proven in practice in numerous matches since then. We are working hard on further developing the sport and interested shooters from around the world are invited to join our efforts!

  • Provide a stable and dependable sports shooting framework based on safety, simplicity and solid firearms handling skills.

  • Stimulate international collaboration, sportsmanship and camaraderie based on common sports shooting skills, interests, standards and values.

  • Promote safe and effective shooting skills.

  • Emphasize personal shooting skills over the usage of specialized equipment.

  • Foster comprehensive shooting abilities paired witmental and physical fitness.

  • Provide a platform for objective shooting skills assessment and constant personal improvement.

  • Support the use of readily available, mass-production equipment.

  • Enable and facilitate sports shooting competitions from local to international and global reach.

  • Provide a solid framework for shooter, match official and instructor certifications.

  • Constructively contribute to the international sports shooting community.

  • Made for shooters by shooters.

Introduction to the Sport
CMA Competitive Marksman Action Intro Presentation

Download CMA Presentation

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  • Get an overview of what the CMA sport is about and how it works

  • We welcome shooters from around the world to join our efforts

  • For more details, consult the rule book and documentation

  • Sign up, get a membership and also join us on social media

  • Check the FAQ and take contact to let us know your feedback!

CMA Slogan and Principles

CMA Slogan and Principles

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CMA One Pager and Flyers
CMA One-Pager English

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CMA Flyer English

Download CMA Flyer A4

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CMA Flyer English

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Competitive Marksman Action

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